Registration Fee: $45 (no tutorial) / $115 (with 25-minute tutorial)
*K-12 Educators: Earn 4 State of Michigan SCECH clock hours by attending this workshop.
Register for Writers Practicum with Tutorial
Register for Writers Practicum (no tutorial)
This one-day Writers Practicum is ideal for those who are curious about publishing and want to advance their professional writing careers. Whether you’re considering an independent press, university press, major publishing house, or digital books, the experts presenting at this practicum will provide true publishing stories, real-life tips, hard facts and numbers, and take questions at every session throughout the day. Come with questions, leave with answers and strong leads.
This year’s theme is INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING. Join us as our faculty discusses the “nitty-gritty” of the independent publishing world, with a nod to trade publishing as well. Consider contracts, marketing plans, beta readers, book reviews, agents, and more. All presentations are described in the schedule (see Schedule tab). Two different pricing options are available: the full day option PLUS one 25-minute one-on-one tutorial offered with the faculty member of your choice; or attendance at the Practicum events that excludes the one-on-one tutorial time.
Please note: For those interested in the full day option with the 25-minute tutorial, space is limited and early registration is highly recommended. Tutorials will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants selecting the tutorial option will have 14 days from the time of registration to submit a writing sample they wish to discuss with the faculty member at their appointment. (Those registering after May 15 must submit their writing sample within 24 hours of registration.) Formatting requirements for up to 10 pages of prose or 5 pages of poetry, as well as confirmation of your tutorial appointment, will be emailed upon registration. Failure to submit a writing sample by the required deadline will forfeit your tutorial appointment and will convert your registration to the “Writers Practicum (no tutorial)” option, where you may enjoy the remainder of the day’s activities. Any applicable refund will be issued according to ICCA’s standard refund policy.